
FR: C’est quoi ? Mikusano Mitakara = Trois trésors

– trois circulations énergétiques: corps, coeur, esprit

– comment trouver une voie joyeuse à  travers notre propre VIE

– tous les jours un peut découvrir une “version-up”

– on peut utiliser pour tous les aspects de la vie

– partager et faire circuler de l’énergie joyeuse ensemble

– c’est ni une technique, ni une méthode – c’est une habitude quotidienne, une manière de vivre

What is ? Mikusano Mitakara = Three Treasures

– three energetic circulations: body, heart, spirit

– how to find a joyful way inspired by our LIFE

– every day we can discover new version-up

– it’s neither method or exercise, it’s a joyful daily habit, a way of life

What is – Mikusano Mitakara? (by Iida SHigemi)

(en) We can enjoy feeling, imagination and physical body at the same time and access directly to life’s necessity.

Mitakara is easiest, rapidest and the most joyful way
to clarify Yami of life and society.
Yami is darkness and disease.

After clarifying Yami, with opening Mitakara,
Everyone can open one’s original ability, directly from life
and easily make one’s dream come true.

With opening one’s own ability,
we can prepare and enjoy Matsuri together.
Matsuri is festival, ceremony and ritual.


Mitakara is good for life. It comes from ancient Japanese tradition.
Of course it is connected to oriental medicine and healing tradition.

Mitakara is useful for every kind of activity and social context: relationship, work, sports, martial arts, dance and healing.

Let’s be surprised. It is simple and easy.

Mitakara is good for life. Enjoying feeling, imagination and physical body, we can access directly to life’s necessity.

Mitakara comes from ancient Japanese shaman tradition. Mitakara is for joyful energy circulation. Of course it is connected to oriental medicine and healing tradition.

Mitakara is useful for every kind of activity and social context: relationship, work, sports, martial arts, dance and healing. Let’s be surprised. It is simple and easy.

I’d like to share this very simple and practical way. It is suitable for everybody in daily life.

Practical : Let’s use a private or public space , where we can sit comfortably in a circle and where we have enough space to move. Let’s bring comfortable clothing and a notebook.

If it is possible, let’s bring some homemade food, so later we can enjoy together. We will bring Shuwa-saka San, a homemade bacteria drink.

2 x 3 hours is enough to get Mitakara, by one’s own body.


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